Sunday, May 22, 2011

Hola, Mexico

We have some wonderful friends & family to thank already for helping us on our trip. First of all, a big thank you goes to Dukey's parents for keeping our little Noah baby. We are the least bit worried about him & know he is in good hands. Second, we would like to thank one of Dukey's high school BFF's for taking us to the airport at the wee hours of the morning and allowing us to leave our car at his apartment. Thank you, thank you, thank you! We arrived at the airport with a couple of hours so spare, so we spent our time talking about everything we wanted to do once we got to Mexico and how we wanted to spend our time there. We hopped on the plane and enjoyed a very short flight (2 hours) to our honeymoon spot. When the flight was over, we got off the plane & were greeted by the longest line I have ever seen to get through Immigration. This is that line that it took us another two hours to get through.
And this is us waiting, waiting, waiting.
Who took the picture, you ask? Oh, just Chatty Cathy who sat next to me on the plane, followed us through immigration, and all the way through baggage claim. Now, I love hearing a good life story, but this girl was exhausting. After almost 5 hours of hearing all about this girl's broken off engagement, getting her life back together, and her business, we were so happy to see our private (no Chatty Cathy allowed) car, which would take us to the resort. We were greeted in the lobby with 2 glasses of much-needed champagne and our room keys. We were immediately elated when we saw our room and we didn't want to leave it because we were so tired!

We forced ourselves to put on our bathing suits to grab a snack and head out to the pool to soak up the sun. I'm so glad we did because we had so much fun! We ate at a restaurant called "Jo-Jo's", which we learned they pronounce "Ho-Ho's".

After our snack, we walked to the pool, and were acquainted with a group of people who were ready to par-tay. An old woman who, let's just say, had a few jumped on my back and asked me to "start the train". No old lady, but thanks so much for the warm welcome! We spent a couple of hours hanging out at the pool, trying to stay away from the eager beaver old lady, but enjoying ourselves very much.

At about 5:00, we headed to the room to shower and get ready for dinner. We walked to the restaurant, La Fondue, and had a wonderful dinner. We split the "Mexican Cheese" appetizer, a fondue dish wish mahi mahi, salmon, mushrooms, seabass and calamari, and the "classic chocolate" dessert fondue, which contained strawberries, marshmallows, grapes, and some other things.

After dinner, we went to a show and got to see the Mexican dancers. They can really shake it, let me tell you.

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