Tuesday, April 26, 2011

First Fight

During my spring break from JES, I used my OCD powers to make our home perfect. I washed the mound of laundry we had, swept all the floors, cleaned the bathrooms, and scrunched all my clothes into one dresser so that The Duke could have the other one all to himself. Cleaning the house literally took me two days to complete... and I didn't get all my thank you notes done like I was supposed to. Not saying that The Duke doesn't help clean, because helps all the time. There's just something about a girl's touch that makes it different when it comes to folding laundry. Anyways, it took me a good three hours to organize our drawers perfectly, and I mean perfectly. Color-coded, & stacked nice and neat. I came home to more laundry and began putting up The Duke's newly washed t-shirts. I opened the drawer and much to my surprise, it was absolutely destroyed! You can imagine the words that came out of my mouth as I saw the tornado that hit his drawer. I wish I had snapped a quick shot of the damage, but I didn't. We didn't talk for a full 45 minutes and it ended with him pitifully going through his drawer & trying to put it back together. I guess you couldn't really call it a "fight" because we were pretty much laughing the whole time. Either I'm going to have to lighten up, or he's going to have to turn into a female before long!!

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